gendron di
We use data and human-centered design to help healthcare organizations elevate their processes, products, culture, and experiences.
Family Experience
Yale New Haven Health Children’s Hospital
GDI worked with the Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital to further improve the family experience for NICU patients. Through interactive workshops, onsite observations, and stakeholder interviews, GDI gathered key insights that were then analyzed through the lens of journey mapping, related frameworks, and peer-reviewed literature. Our team provided a set of recommendations to address the most impactful areas of opportunity.
Luminary Programs
Nemours Children’s Health System
In collaboration with senior executives and selected physicians at Nemours Children’s Hospital, GDI led a strategic initiative to develop frameworks, workflows, evaluation tools and management models for the hospital’s signature Luminary Programs. Fueled by stakeholder interviews, broad field research and a desire to better engage the employee community in the latest organizational endeavors, GDI created a playbook to help managers and the leadership team systematize the luminary programs and associated activities.
Branding & Positioning
Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE)
Using a highly collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, GDI is currently evolving and refining the branding and messaging of CORE, the Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation at YNHH. Our ongoing efforts will focus on implementing and activating the evolved branding and messaging externally, as well as on equipping CORE’s workforce with a system for promoting and celebrating the organization’s purpose, mission and culture.
Design to Empower
TSAI Center for Innovative Thinking at Yale (TSAI City)
GDI co-taught a Yale undergraduate course titled, Design to Empower: Re-Imagining Medical Decision Tools. Through this course, GDI engaged students in design thinking activities and frameworks, helping them apply human-centered design methodologies to better understand, analyze and imagine potential user experience enhancements to the Statin Choice Decision Aid.